Ranking System

We are continuously researching brands from all over the world and ranking them according to the following criteria.

OKAY 2 Buy 4 star

This is the highest level. Companies that have publicly supported Palestine and do not have ties to Israel.

OKAY 2 Buy 3 star

Companies that have an exceptional founder who is a potential ally but has remained neutral in the conflict and does not have ties to Israel.

OKAY 2 Buy 2 star

These small or medium-sized companies have remained neutral in the conflict and do not have ties to Israel.

OKAY 2 Buy 1 star

These large multinational companies have remained neutral in the conflict and do not have ties to Israel.

Buy with Caution

These companies are INDIRECTLY supporting the Israeli occupation by having investors involved with other business activity in Israel, or investment in war weapons manufacturers. Companies with more than 10% ownership by BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street, Capital Group, Bank of America, etc. are ranked Caution.

Do Not Buy

These companies DIRECTLY do business in Israel, have publicly expressed one-sided support, or fund organizations that support Israel. Doing business in Israel strengthens the economy, normalizes the Occupation, and funds apartheid in the Palestinian territories through business taxes generated.